Hautala Calls Ombudsman of Ingushetia to Investigate Disappearances

Ms Hautala wrote on 24th of January to Mr Djambulat Ozdoev, Ombudsman of Ingushetia concerning several deeply worrying messages about disappearances and instances of violence in Ingushetia. She is now waiting to receive news over the measures the Ombudsman intends to take with regards the cases of Ms Zalina Elhoroeva, Mr Israil Torshkhoev and Mr Adam Khamkhoiev. [:]


Dear Mr Djambulat Ozdoev, Ombudsman of Ingushetia,

First let me express my great gratitude for meeting with us when we visited Ingushetia on 2nd of September 2010. It was very interesting for our delegation to discuss with you and we hope to continue working together.

The reason I am writing to you now is not so happy. During recent months, my office has received several deeply worrying messages about disappearances and instances of violence in Ingushetia.

These seem to have targeted at least one young woman, Zalina Elhoroeva, but possibly also others. Since 2002, according to my understanding, as many as seven women have disappeared or been taken. I have learned that the father of Ms Elhoroeva has asked for a meeting with you to discuss the disappearance of his daughter but that you have not yet agreed to meet him. I hope you would do so immediately to ensure that Ms Elhoroeva be returned as soon as possible.

This is urgent as it seems that the health of Ms Elhoroeva is weak. I have understood that she has suffered from tuberculosis and remains thus in constant need of medical care.

On another matter, Mr Israil Torshkhoev was reportedly taken on 18th of November. It seems that his whereabouts are still unknown. If you could inform me of the situation of his case and his health while in detention, I would appreciate it.

I would also like to raise another case of concern with you. Mr Adam Khamkhoiev has also reappeared since he was detained. He appeared to have been tortured. There are fears that despite his release, he remains in risk of further violence. I ask you to ensure his safety.

I would greatly appreciate if you could make enquiries about these reports and write back to me. If possible, I would also like to meet again.


Heidi Hautala
