10 Years Milestone for UNSC Resolution 1325 on Women and Armed Conflicts

Ten years ago, the landmark Security Council resolution 1325 was unanimously adopted during the Namibian presidency of the UN Security Council in October 2000. [:]This milestone resolution was the offspring of the groundbreaking UNIFEM report on the impact of conflicts on world’s women, drafted by Finland’s former Equality and Defence Minister and Special Rapporteur for the United Nations, Ms Elisabeth Rehn and the current President of Liberia, H.E. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.


The resolution was the first to focus on the disproportionate and unique impact of armed conflict on women, and offers a legal and political framework for the inclusion of women and of gender perspectives in peace negotiations, peacekeeping operations, the organisation of humanitarian relief and post-conflict peace building.


Since then other supporting resolutions have been adopted by the Security Council, and the international community now disposes of a complete and powerful framework to strengthen women’s participation in decision-making in and around conflict, and end sexual violence and impunity. The European Parliament has provided consistent support by adopting its own resolutions with a strong focus on women in armed conflict and their role in post-conflict reconstruction and democratic processes in 2000, 2005 and 2008.


Much progress remains to be made, even though important steps have been taken. Crimes against humanity in the form of sexual violence are still perpetrated by parties in armed conflicts, sometimes on a massive scale, and responses have been grossly inadequate. Women are still marginalized in peace processes, which in turn compromises inclusive and equitable recovery and sustained peace. We will continue to press for concerted and effective action at EU and at the international levels in implementing these Resolutions, and welcome HR/VP Ashton’s statement that the European External Action Service will take determined action.
