Euroopan parlamentin naisten oikeuksien ja tasa-arvoasioiden valiokunta järjestää torstaina 9.30-12.30 tilaisuuden uuden työelämän tasa-arvodirektiivin toimeenpanosta jäsenmaissa. Heidi Hautala toimi EPn esittelijänä direktiivin uudistuksessa. Direktiivin uutuuksia ovat mm. sukupuoleen perustuvan häirinnän määritelmät, suoran ja epäsuoran syrjinnän määritelmät, sukupuolisen häirinnän ennaltaehkäisy työpaikoilla ja pohjoismaalainen tasa-arvosuunnittelu. [:]
Alla lehdistökutsu englanniksi ja tarkemmat tiedot.
of the Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities on the
Implementation of the revised Directive on equal opportunities for women and men in employment (2002/73/EC)
Thursday 20 February at 9.30 – 12.30
European Parliament, Room A 1 G 3
(followed by a reception)
The Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities will organise a hearing on Thursday 20 February to follow-up on the implementation of the revised Directive on equal opportunities in employment (2002/73/EC), formally adopted in September 2002.
The European Parliament and the Women’s rights Committee took an active role in the review of the Directive, which is considered a landmark in the development of Women’s Rights in the European Union.
The hearing will concentrate on the main issues emphasised in the Parliament deliberations, namely the adoption of preventive measures regarding harassment and sexual harassment at the workplace, equality planning at company level, and the incorporation of the Amsterdam Treaty provisions on positive measures to promote the under-represented sex. The EP also stressed the need for stronger protection, not only of maternity rights but also of paternity rights and rights of adoptive parents, and the importance of reconciling family and working life in general.
According to Ms Heidi HAUTALA, rapporteur for the Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities, this hearing will be an important opportunity to take stock of the existing legal framework in the Member States and to exchange information and best-practices of experiences in different countries.
09.30 am Opening remarks by Ms Anna KARAMANOU, Chairperson, Committee on Women’s Rights and Equal Opportunities
09.40 am Introduction by Ms Heidi Anneli HAUTALA, Rapporteur
09.50 am Statement by a representative of the Presidency in office.
10.00 am Statement by a representative of the Commission
10.15 am An overview in relation to the main themes with a focus on sexual harassment.
Ms Ann NUMHAUSER-HENNING, Professor, of Private Law, University of Lund,
10.30 am The implementation of the directive, in particular positive action measures.
Ms Maria do Céu DA CUNHA REGO, Jurist, former President of the Portuguese Commission for Equality at Work and former Secretary of State for Equality, Portugal
10.45 am Questions and answers
11.05 am The Trade Union Perspective
Mr. Michel MINE, Professor – associate in private law (University of Cergy-Pontoise) Specialist in Industrial relations and discrimination in employment, France
11.20 am Measures at the workplace, such as measures on preventing sexual harassment and on equality planning
Ms G. DOLSMA, Dutch Employers Organization, The Netherlands
11.35 am Implementing the Directive in Estonia, in particular the obligation to establish equality bodies.
Ms Ulle-Marike PAPP, Head of the Bureau of Equality Ministry of Social Family Affairs, Estonia
11.50 am Questions and answers
12.15 pm Concluding remarks by the Rapporteur
Closure of the hearing by the Chairperson