On Ukraine in Uryadovy Kurier

Heidi’s interview in the Ukraine’s state media Uryadovy Kurier in brief:

  • Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Belarus failed to define relations with Russia and the EU
  • EU needs to do more to support reforms in Ukraine through Eastern Partnership
  • Belarusian position in the Ukrainian question deserves respect
  • Minsk needs to overcome major barriers to engage in full dialogue with the European Parliament
  • I am optimistic about the European Parliament sending a delegation to Belarus soon
  • Lukashenka sticks to his image as “little Putin”
  • Russia continues invasion into Ukrainian territory and the conflict may become frozen
  • Ukraine is one of the most important issues for the Greens group
  • We need to restore links to civic society and human rights groups in Russia
  • New Russian laws limiting civic freedoms violate international human rights conventions
  • Russia has broken European security architecture
  • Russia’s actions have transformed Helsinki Final Act into trash.

