Chairwoman Hautala held an exchange of views with Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Tbilisi, Georgia, on 16 and 17 September.[:] During the exchange of views several issues of mutual interest were discussed, but most focus was given on the ways to develop cooperation between Council of Europe and the European Union and how to strengthen legal remedies for human rights violations in Northern Caucasus. Other topics that were discussed in detail were combat against death penalty and abuse of state secrecy and national security.
Exchange of views was considered highly beneficial by the Committee on Legal Affairs and by the Chairwoman and it was decided and it was decided to explore practical cooperation, e.g. a joint meeting on one of the above mentioned themes. By doing more together, we will have more impact on the field, Chairwoman noted.
Furthermore, Ms Hautala met on 21st of September with Council of Europe Ambassador Gérard Stoudmann, Special Representative of the Secretary General for Organisational Development and Reform to discuss more issues where Council of Europe and European Union could join their efforts. Tackling the situation of the Roma and supporting the European Court for Human Rights are areas where close cooperation could be most beneficial.