Press release 16 November 2009
Madagascar’s political turmoil: MEPs demand immediate release of all political prisoners[:]
All political prisoners, including Senators and Members of the National Assembly of Madagascar, should be released immediately, says a statement co-signed by Heidi Hautala, Chair of the Human Rights Subcommittee; Eva Joly, Chair of the Development Committee and Louis Michel, Co-President of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly.
An international independent investigation should be launched to assess the grave human rights violations – such as arbitrary arrests and torture – committed by the security forces. The transitional authorities should guarantee both constitutional and public order, respecting the principles of democracy and the rule of law, say MEPs.
MEPs express their great concern over the political situation in Madagascar and will continue to follow the situation closely. The ACP-EU joint parliamentary Assembly meeting in Luanda, Angola, is expected to adopt a resolution on the country’s institutional and political crisis (3 December).