Iran Must Free Human Rights Activist Shiva Nazar Ahari Immediately

Chairwoman Hautala calls for Iranian authorities to release human rights activist, Shiva Nazar Ahari, spokesperson for the Committee of Human Rights Reporters (CHRR) immediately. Hautala fears the life of Ms Nazar Ahari is in danger.[:] Ms Nazar Ahari is charged with “rebellion against God,” “anti-regime propaganda,” and “acts contrary to national security,” all of which she has categorically denied.


Great concern furthermore remains over the reports run on state owned website, Rajanews, which claim that Ms Nazar Ahari has worked for the Mojahideen-e Khalq, that the government considers as a terrorist group. Government justifies sentencing executions often by involvement in terrorist activities. The case will be heard before the Revolutionary Court, which regularly imposes death sentences for alleged terrorism and conducts its procedures in great deal out of public sight.


Shiva has been arrested before and harassed by the authorities for several years due to her human rights work in Iran. “There are serious grounds to believe that Shiva is being targeted because of her human rights advocacy and her arrest is the most horrific attempt to silence her. The authorities must let her go immediately,” Ms Hautala stressed.


The trial is scheduled for 4th of September.
