Investigation Into Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla Must be Independent

Chairwoman of European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights, Heidi Hautala, welcomes Israeli announcement of setting up an independent public commission to investigate the attack on flotilla of ships destined to Gaza on 31st of May. [:]The attack, which took place on international waters, left nine people dead.

Ms Hautala welcomes the international composition of the commission but recalls that unless the commission adheres to the outline of the UN proposed investigation in a comprehensive way, this effort cannot be deemed satisfactory. It is of utmost importance that the investigation, as well as international, shall also be independent.

Indeed, while there are no doubts that Israel is capable of conducting inquiries of this nature, as it claims with the support of the US, it is however a standard practice of international community to call and undertake an independent investigation in events of violence and loss of life. Only scrutiny of this nature can ensure an outcome with maximum international ownership, legitimacy and fairness.
