European Parliament discussed the creation of the new European External Action Service today. [:]The agreement between the European Parliament and other EU Institutions has been reached after months of intense negotiations and it would seem that the new External Action Service can finally begin to take shape. The institution is expected to be up and running towards the end of the year.
European Parliament had paid particular attention to the place of human rights in the new institution. Chairwoman of European Parliament Subcommittee on Human Rights, Ms Hautala, had advocated for this in particular. Most recently, the Subcommittee on Human Rights discussed the outlook of future human rights structures in the new EEAS on 1st of July. The news, that the human rights are to be strongly represented at the headquarter level and at the EU delegations, were welcomed.
In the Plenary debate today Ms Hautala expressed her delight for the way human rights have been included in the current agreement but underlined that all the more important now, however, is for the High Representative Ashton to follow up on these pledges in a thorough manner. In addition, Ms Hautala noted that she was particularly keen to see the new, stronger human rights presence to effectively mainstream human rights into all EU policy areas.
All in all, Ms Hautala underlined, it is important that the High Representative will now, in the spirit of the new Treaty of Lisbon, create a strong and coherent external action service for the European Union.