Chairwoman Hautala met with the Delegation of the Chinese People’s Political and Consultative Conference (CPPCC) on 26th of October. Main issue of the meeting was human rights in China and cooperation with the European Union in this remit. [:]
Chairwoman welcomed the Delegation in the European Parliament and noted that the growing relations are aimed to based on mutual understanding in all areas including human rights. She underlined that the human rights situation in China remains a high priority for the work of the Subcommittee. Indeed, several of the European Parliament resolutions on China have stressed that the development of economic relations with China must be accompanied by effective political dialogue and respect for human rights.
Chairwoman underlined the importance of the EU China Human Rights legal seminars in the framework of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue and expressed strong hope that they be continued also in the second half of 2010.
Chairwoman Hautala expressed particular concern over the rights of minorities in China, with alarm over the most recent restrictions imposed upon Tibetan and Uyghur population. Not long before this meeting, she had received information over the Tibetan “resettlement” programme and Uyghur dress code restriction with great concern.
The Delegation assured Chairwoman that all resettlement activities will be carried out in accordance with law and with consent of the people concerned but denied that a dress code had been put in place over the Uyghur population.
The Delegation furthermore emphasised the importance the authorities give to human rights and that all ethnic issues are resolved on human rights grounds.
Ms Hautala, moreover, expressed hope of the emerging rights of individual in China. The delegation however pointed out that the collective rights shall prevail in strengthening the human rights legal framework.
Ms Hautala has already previously expressed concern over the conditions and access to medical care in the Chinese prisons and did so also in this meeting. The delegation denied that any reports over poor conditions or lack of access to medical care in detention existed.
Chairwoman expressed hope that the Subcommittee would visit China in 2011. The delegation wished the Subcommittee welcome to China and hoped that in conjunction further meetings would take place with the Chairwoman and the Subcommittee.