Location: Room 6Q2, European Parliament, Brussels (Hybrid event)
Date and time: Friday, 9th December 2022, 9.00-12.30
Organisers: International Parliamentary Inquiry into the global response to the crisis in Myanmar
and European Parliament in ASEAN.
The military coup in Myanmar since 1st February 2021 demands new thinking, renewed commitment and a clear and coordinated strategy from the international community. This Round Table discussion aims to bring together a number of relevant actors and provide insight to the question of how the international community should focus its efforts to best support restoration of democracy, and respect of human rights in Myanmar. Special focus in this discussion will be on how the EU can best play a role in this process.
The Final Report of the International Parliamentary Inquiry Committee on Myanmar (IPI), published in November will provide a basis and background for the discussions. Focus will be on the role of the EU and Member States in playing their role in a coordinated global response to isolate the military junta, support the pro-democracy forces, and enabling the delivery of humanitarian assistance.
Welcome & Opening
Heidi Hautala, MEP, EP Vice-President, Chair of the IPI Committee
Setting the scene
Charles Santiago, Chair of ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights, Former MP for Malaysia
Panel I – Opposition to the State Administration Council and Prospects for Democracy
Aung Myo Min, Minister for Human Rights, National Unity Government
Aye Mya Mya Myo, Myanmar Women Parliamentarians Network
Kyaw Win, Burma Human Rights Network
Mratt Kyaw Thu, Journalist from Rakhine State
Moe Thuzar, Myanmar Studies Programme coordinator, ISEAS
Nyein Chan May, German Solidarity with Myanmar Democracy
coffee break
Panel II – The Vision for Federalism in Myanmar context
Michael Lidauer, independent researcher
Hkanpa Sadan, Kachin National Organization
Harn Yawnghwe, Executive Director, Euro-Burma Office
Tun Khin, Burmese Rohingya Organisation
Marcus Brand, Myanmar Country Director, International IDEA
Concluding remarks
Vice-President Heidi Hautala, MEP, Chair of the IPI Committee